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On June 4, The Painted Turtle (PTG) staff set sail with Skipper Dan from Jadeo Sailing (Jadeo Sailing Information), what a great evening adventure! The PTG Crew are a close-knit family; we do not just work together, we play together as well! Our sail was in celebration of one of our staff members Steffi (who we miss dearly); Steffi is making her way back to Germany as we speak. It was very fitting to go sailing in honour of a staff member leaving; Bon Voyage Steffi! We sailed around Newcastle Island and experienced some difficulty with the wind near Departure Bay but we picked up speed just after that. I remember this well because I was sitting at the front of the boat with three other staff members and we learned to duck very quickly in anticipation for the sail (if you have ever been sailing, you know exactly what I mean). Half of us sat at the front of the boat taking in the amazing views of Newcastle Island, The Coastal Mountains and other surrounding islands. The other half of our crew was intently focused on sailing 101 from Skipper Dan in the cockpit.  This allowed all of us to experience the trip as we wished and more importantly allowed me to take some pretty fantastic pictures of our gorgeous scenery. I just love the coast!! If you haven’t had the opportunity to go sailing in our coast, you must, must do it!
